For myself I don’t mind SOME ads that are tastefully placed, so long as they do not obstruct anything. What I can’t stand is talking ads, or really any ad with noise. I listen to a lot of music so when I jump to a random website and it starts yelling at me to, “visit state X where the roads never stop winding”, I seriously want to beat someone with a baseball bat & never visit again.

Best posts made by Snowblind.
RE: Holy crap ...
Latest posts made by Snowblind.
RE: Introductions
Hey Redd. I think you helped me with my first tire change at my house in NW OKC on my black 04 636. Any chance you know Kilburn a.k.a. Kokojokeamo, a.k.a TIREWALL?
RE: New 2016 ZX10R?
I would really like to see projector headlights now that you mention it, as well as dual high/lows. The media is currently leaking stuff already about the newish ZX10. They’ve mentioned that it will have the same engine platform, but with updated suspension & tech. Also from what I can tell it looks like they have changed the nose cowl. The pictures almost make it look like the third gens. I really liked the fourth gens nose.
RE: This is why you wear safety gear...
Yeah that sent shivers down my spine.
RE: Holy crap ...
For myself I don’t mind SOME ads that are tastefully placed, so long as they do not obstruct anything. What I can’t stand is talking ads, or really any ad with noise. I listen to a lot of music so when I jump to a random website and it starts yelling at me to, “visit state X where the roads never stop winding”, I seriously want to beat someone with a baseball bat & never visit again.
RE: New Steed ...
Ah. I have a 2012 ZX10R, and by default the bike does the exact same thing. Thankfully I had the ECU flashed which allowed the bike to remember the last setting so mine is always off. Granted on the lowest setting it didn’t intervene much even though I’m a very spirited rider. However, the bike remembering to keep the TC off is probably the best thing that came from the flash.
New 2016 ZX10R?
So with the end of the year getting closer, do you think there will be a fifth gen ZX10R? What are some things you’d like to see in a new ZX10R? Myself personally I’d dig some new electronics. Maybe a touchscreen interface? Gas gauge maybe though I don’t mind the idiot light.
What’s your thoughts?
RE: New Steed ...
How does the new VFR sound? I’ve heard a few and can say they catch my attention.
I’m excited about a new SBWS. I don’t belong to any social media (I find that FB & Twitter are privacy disasters) so I hope this site gets it’s momentum back. I’ve spread the verbal word for people to join up so let’s see how this goes.
2000-2005 ZX12R Yoshimura header
Up for grabs is a ZX12R Yoshimura header fitting the years 2000-2005. Never mounted to a bike, never used before. I’m not sure what it’s worth so hit me up with an offer and we can work out the details. Worse I can say is no. Cheers.
Hello everyone,
I haven’t seen an introduction page so I figured I’d post one up and break the ice. My name is Brett and I ride a 12’ Kawasaki ZX10R & also in my garage is a 04 ZX636 though I don’t ride it much anymore. I can say my addiction started here years and years ago so I figured why not join back up.
Side topic: Anyone know of some good curves to hit?