@doc_rock Also made you a moderator here … not that there’s anything to moderate. But maybe someday?

Posts made by murphomatic
RE: Whoa...
RE: Whoa...
Of course! Wouldn’t want to have the forum around with some of the more valuable topic areas.
RE: over 20 years and this site is still up...what say you?
I check in every now and again - keep the lights on, etc. Maybe someday people will ‘rediscover’ forums that exist outside of the social media giants.
RE: So, who is still around?
@ruffstuff you’re looking to time travel into the past?
RE: It's been almost 20 years
@rob What’s hilarious is that this will eventually come full-circle. Eventually Menstrual-gram will be “for old people” too, and all the kids will be like “man - have you guys discovered this amazing new thing called a ‘FORUM’ ?? WHUUT!!?”
I’ll be here waiting patiently.
RE: Yikes - sorry guys!
@rob LOL as it should!
Can’t be having the site offline … the Facebook Armageddon may come and suddenly people will start flooding back here!
Yikes - sorry guys!
Turns out the site was down for a bit. Sorry about that! Good thing nobody reads this thing anyway!
RE: It's been almost 20 years
@tlfreek I’m still around too - check in from time to time.
I think social media has largely made forum sites like this obsolete … which is unfortunate. I hate social-media, and I don’t do Facebook.
Maybe someday the new-car luster will wear off of the Facebooks of the world, and people will swing back to the old forums? Hard to tell … I’ll keep running this site as long as I can. It’s ready for the return … if and when that ever happens.
RE: So, who is still around?
@zx250r I’m still holding out hope that FakeBook and Twatter will stop being the places of preference when it comes to forums. Not sure whatever was the huge draw…FakeBook groups suck and it’s a bitch to carry on a conversation as threads get lost over time.
When that fad dies down, SBWS will be here waiting.
RE: Real names vs pseudonyms
@Nicegy525 yeah - I think this is a key component here - regular in-person/real-life meetings. The reason people turn into douche-canoes on the iNtArWeBz is because of this overblown sense of anonymity; it affords them a false sense of protection - so they say things and act in ways they would never even entertain if they were hanging out with other people in person.
Back when this used to be an active and vibrant community - folks would meet regularly at Old Market Pub on a weekly basis and ride on weekends together. We all got along and had good times - nobody acted like a jerk…but that fell off, and the online agitators started to really join en masse and the place fell apart - the moderators couldn’t keep up - and when they tried, the screams of draconian enforcement echoed throughout the forums.
It would be nice if the core group of people could get back together and use this as a communication platform to once again shoot the shit about motorcycles and coordinate rides.
Man … I miss those days… Can’t believe it was 20 years ago now. Time flies…
RE: Comeback Comeback Comeback
Would be really cool to get some fresh SBWS swag out there. I’ll dig around and see what I can come up with -
RE: Group Ride Before Winter Sets In???
I would be totally keen to do this. Maybe something where we loop up over 47 / Apiary / 30 out to Astoria, down to Manzanita and in via 53 -> 26… about 250 miles total.
RE: hello
Yeah, I bailed out of all social media platforms. Got tired of constantly dragging my lower jaw around on the ground, agape at the rampant idiocy everywhere. Watching friends unfriend other friends (lifelong friends) based solely on their political opinions…it’s just unbelievable to me.
Done with social media … it truly is the devil’s notebook.
RE: hello
@tlfreek yeah - I agree … and now that everyone is stuck inside for a bit and probably growing tired of Facebook, maybe some will drift back over here!
RE: So, who is still around?
@mcdave yeah - wish that this place was hoppin like it was before. I guess people headed for Facebook and never looked back …
But SBWS is still here! And always good to see the occasional SBWS veteran pop in…tell your friends!
RE: Tl1000r
@zx250r - were you ever able to figure out the picture uploading deal? Would love to see the new TLR!
RE: Where to order parts
Nice moves man … beats the crap outta $1000! Let me know how it all works out!